LECTIO DIVINA: "In Sacred Scripture, the Church constantly finds her nourishment and her strength" (CCC 104)
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Emmaus the Supper 2 c. 1983 by Arcabas |
efore we embark on the 14-Day isolation retreat dubbed as "Soul Hygiene and the Discernment of Spirits" (July 18-31) there is one Spiritual Exercise with which we must become familiar–the ancient practice of Lectio divina. Vatican II gave great impulse to the rediscovery of the Word of God, thanks to its Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum (DV). During the 40th anniversary, Benedict XVI, in his address said, "the diligent reading of Sacred Scripture accompanied by prayer brings about that intimate dialogue in which the person reading hears God who is speaking, and in praying, responds to him with trusting openness of heart [cf. DV 25]. If it is effectively promoted, this practice will bring to the Church–I am convinced of it–a new spiritual springtime. As a strong point of biblical ministry, Lectio divina should therefore be increasingly encouraged, also through the use of new methods, carefully thought through and in step with the times. It should never be forgotten that the Word of God is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path (cf. Ps 119[118]: 105)."
On Dei Verbum's fifty-fifth anniversary, another Pope not only rouses the faithful from slumber but also declares Third Sunday in Ordinary Time as Sunday of the Word of God. Like his predecessors, he calls us anew to go back to the ancient practice of Divine Reading and even more so now with this global pandemic. The Israelites, when they were exiled from their homeland, held on tenaciously to the reading of the sacred book of the Law to safeguard their faith in God. Even if they were scattered in exile, they found themselves connected as one through reading of the sacred Scripture kept on their mind, on their lips and in their heart.
In his Apostolic Letter, Aperuit Illis (AI), Pope Francis referred to a poignant description of that moment in Jerusalem when the people were back from the exile:
The people lent “attentive ears” (Neh 8:3) to the reading of the sacred book, realizing that in its words they would discover the meaning of their lived experience. The reaction to the proclamation was one of great emotion and tears: “[The Levites] read from the book, from the law of God, clearly; and they gave the sense, so that the people understood the reading. And Nehemiah, who was the governor, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, ‘This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep’. For all the people wept when they heard the words of the law. Then he said to them, ‘Go your way, eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to him for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength’” (Neh 8:8-10). (AI 5)
Lectio Divina: The three concentric circles of Divine Reading
I. The first outermost circle—the mind—which is the first place or vessel of the Word. It is said that "Empty vessels make the most sound" so feed your mind with the words of Scripture and let it reverberate—never straining to "study or solve." But, first, it might be good to empty your mind of other concerns. When ready, slowly read and pause to listen to the echoes by remembering a word or a phrase from what you read. Be reverent towards the Word of God that is expressed in human words and fashioned in the light of the same Spirit through whom it was written (cf. DV 12).
II. It is not just the mind that is fed by the Word of God. Move to the second inner circle—the mouth—the door to our enteric nervous system which is commonly called gut. Both our gut and our brain originate from the same clump of tissue called the neural crest. During fetal development, one section turns into the brain between our ears and the other section turns into the "second brain" or one's gut where one half of all our nerve cells are located. One can "think" through the gut because our capacity for feeling and expressing emotions depend primarily on it and, to a lesser extent, the brain. There is a Native American Proverb which says, “Listen or your tongue will make you deaf.” Like the mind, the mouth needs quieting down too. The two are like Siamese twins; when one is sick, the other may also be sick. The reason you do not hear others' feelings or even your own emotions is because your tongue has made you deaf.
III. Only after we have quieted down our two brains that we can move into the third innermost circle—the heart. The opening words of the Rule of St Benedict says, “Listen with the ear of the heart.” What does it mean to listen with the ear of the heart? Once, I got a feedback from one of my retreatants who thanked me for listening not only to words but to movements of the person's heart. It dawned on me that it does make a big difference to listen in this way. To listen in this way is to move to a place of feeling and of meaning within the depths of a person's inner being. As always in the Scripture, it is the heart that prays. So allow the "ears of your heart"—to work. It is a difficult and challenging journey though to listen with the heart. The heart is the most difficult to empty, e.g., of one's own assumptions, prejudices and past hurts. However, this is the most privileged place to receive the Word of Scripture. This innermost place is what the desert fathers and mothers called “purity of heart” where we come face to face with God. "Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all" (Ps 139:4). Although God knows already what you might have there in your heart, talk to Him and listen reverently to His words of consolation. Listen reverently. Talk to thank Him, to ask for forgiveness and to beg for an increase in faith, hope and love. Hans Urs von Balthasar wrote:
Faith means: "You, O God, are right in every case, even when I cannot see it or perhaps would prefer the opposite." Hope means: "In you alone, O God, do I have my continued existence, and for that reason I leave behind all assurances resting on myself." Love means: "All my strength and heart and mind are straining themselves to affirm you, O God (and myself only in you), and those whom you have placed beside me as my neighbors."
This ancient method of reading the Bible is more about connecting the heart with God and such an experience is priceless. St Bonaventure, doctor of the Church, always insisted that the simple and uneducated could have a clearer knowledge of God than the wise. Listening with the ear of the heart can be a scary experience because it can call us to a radical change called "metanoia" or change of heart and mind.
When you decide to make time for your prayer apply the above technique.
Nota Bene: You can find the links to the daily Scripture or Mass Readings both at the menu above and right below †365.
Fr JM Manzano SJ
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